Modus Operandi
iNORI’s modus operandi consists of 9 execution stages as mentioned below:
- Stage 1 : Project Brief from Client
- Stage 2 : Submission of Proposal
- Stage 3 : Questionnaire/Schedule Preparation (Print version)
- Stage 4a : Online Questionnaire development (for Online surveys)
- Stage 4b : Development of Software application of Questionnaire (for CATI surveys)
- Stage 5 : Briefing of Questionnaire/Schedule & Discussion Guide
- Stage 6 : Mock Interviews
- Stage 7 : Pilot Testing of Questionnaire/Schedule
- Stage 8 : Actual Data Collection
- Stage 9 : On the spot checks & Back checks
Project Brief from client
iNORI requests the client to provide detailed information about the following:
- Business and research objectives
- Profile of target respondents /segments
- Regions/cities to be covered
- Number of interviews (Sample Size)
- Sampling Method (if client specifically interested)
- Timelines (if anything specific)
Submission of Proposal
A detailed proposal is submitted to client, which consists of the following components.
- Business and research objectives
- Target segments & respondents
- Target cities/towns/centres
- Sampling plan
- Timelines
- Limitations
- Manpower details
- Costing / Professional Fees
- Client responsibilities
- Deliverables
- Terms and conditions
Questionnaire/Schedule Preparation (Print version)
Questionnaires are developed based on the target respondent profile/segments and the survey objectives. If the questionnaire is already prepared by the client, iNORI will use it straight away. If client ask us to develop or improve the questionnaire, it will be done by expert researchers executing projects at iNORI.
Online Questionnaire development (for Online surveys)
Once the questionnaires are approved (or client provided final version of the questionnaire), an online questionnaire is developed by software programmers. Back end database design, questionnaire appearance, logical sequence, lopping conditions and other data validation measures are performed by our team of experts. Before launching the final version of online questionnaire, a trail run is executed to confirm the data is rightly saved in the back end database(s). Once the version is completely ready, a formal introduction letter from client (if necessary) is sourced and used as a text message in the mails.
Development of Software application of Questionnaire (for CATI surveys)
Once the questionnaires are approved (or client provided final version of the questionnaire), questionnaire screens are developed by software programmers. Back end database design, questionnaire appearance, logical sequence, lopping conditions and other data validation measures are performed by our team of experts. Before launching the final version of online questionnaire, a trail run is executed to confirm the data is rightly saved in the back end database(s). Once the version is completely ready, the CATI process starts.
Briefing of Questionnaire/Schedule & Discussion Guide
The final version of questionnaire is briefed to the interviewers (field as well as CATI interviewers). A detailed briefing note and discussion guide are prepared and the supervisors, interviewers and software application programmers are provided the questionnaire briefing, before they start their work. Briefing session is conducted to ensure that all the supervisors, interviewers and programmers understand the study objectives, nature of data that is going to be collected and how the data will be used by the researcher/analyst/client. Possible changes or improvements are incorporated in the questionnaire at this stage.
Mock Interviews
The trained interviewers are asked to perform some sample (mock interviews) interviews in front of the supervisor or client. Introduction, sequence, tone, convincing ability, communication, attention to minute details and ethics of the interviewers are closely monitored and improvements are implemented.
Pilot Testing of Questionnaire/Schedule
Pilot testing is done to understand the questionnaire flow, time duration, respondents immediate views etc. It is better to conduct a pilot test with the developed questionnaire/schedule on a small portion of target segments. This will help us to improve the questionnaire further.
Actual Data Collection
According to the time schedule and field plan the field work starts. The field supervisors accompany the interviewers/investigators in the field. The status of field work completion will be intimated to the client on regular basis.
On the spot checks & Back checks
The data collected by the interviewer/investigator are cross checked at various levels:
- On the spot check is that the supervisors randomly pick up some questionnaire and cross check the details with the respondents
- 35% back check is being done on the fully completed questionnaires
- 25% telephonic check is being done